"I Made My First Million Naira in 2020 from Writing"
Discover how I consistently bank Thousands of Naira monthly in Nigeria, simply by writing blog posts.
Why You Need To Make Money from Writing
To many people, writing is a medium of expression. It is a way to tell people how you feel about something. To some others, it is a medium of interaction – a way to share your ideas with people and see if they agree with what you have said or not.
No wonder, many personalities in times past have come up with different interpretations about how magical writing could be.
Hear some of them:
Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader – not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.” – E. L. Doctorow.
“I believe that writing is derivative. I think good writing comes from good reading.” – Charles Kurait
“Good writing can be defined as having something to say and saying it well. When one has nothing to say, one should remain silent. Silence is always beautiful at such times.” – Edward Abbey
Today, I see writing from a different perspective. In addition to being a medium of express, communication and sharing ideas to inspire others; writing can also be a medium of wealth. I say so because I have made a considerable amount of money from writing.
It first started with a few hundreds of Naira, then a few thousands and then I made a million from writing.
To some people, it isn’t much of a big deal. I mean, there are people making millions every week, but it doesn’t seem to them that they make money. So, why fret over making a Million Naira from writing?
BUT TO ME, it was a gamechanger. It was a BIG DEAL because of where I was coming from – and which is something you will relate to.
For someone whose first job in life was to be a motorboy (what we call a conductor today), and who would later carry blocks at building sites just to help feed the family; it was a big deal.
I was a motorboy in a "pure water" company. My job was to help the drivers distribute the bags of water to the customers. My salary at the time was ₦8,000 but during the dry season, when water was scarce, I made up to ₦15k alone on commissions.
The pay structure was ₦1 commission per bag sold. I also shared in the other stipends the driver was willing to share.
Besides, I earned a "side income" from packing water in the room where the sachets were bagged. This is common when the demands are so high and we are trying to produce more bags of water to maintain our customer base.
I continued with this job until I earned an admission to study the English Language and Literary Studies at the Federal College of Education, in the town of Eha-Amufu in the Isi-Uzo Local Government Area of Enugu State.
Despite getting an admission, I still had to make regular shuttles back to Enugu to work at the pure water company, especially when we had more of lectures. My stay in school was mostly when we had Continuous Assessment Tests (CTAs).
I had no choice, but to combine schooling with working, just so I could have some money to keep me running.
I wouldn’t want to bore you with what I have passed through in life but I will leave you with an important point – writing changed my life and helped me grow my finances.
My writing passion was ignited by several factors, such as my early interest in the works of James Hadley Chase, especially the "Herman & Helga Rolfe" series — A Joker in the Pack and An Ace Up My Sleeve. I took these books from my father's bookshelf and hid to read them.
Then, I also read The Sun Newspapers (my father's favorite newspaper) and later, The Spectator — another variant of newspaper by The Sun Newspapers.
All these helped me develop an interest in writing and would later come to play many years later, as I now took to professional writing and earning from it.
Want to Earn from Writing?
In the beginning...
It all started in 2016 when I was searching the Internet for any openings. At the time, I was opportune to get a gig with Info Guide Nigeria, a blog run by a Nigerian. I was hired to write a few articles, which were published in my name.
When the contract ended, I didn’t allow it to stop there. I thought to myself that since I was paid for doing researches online and writing new blog posts from the information I got; why don’t I take it further?
And like the character, Oliver Twist in Charles Dickens’ book, I wanted some more. That desire to get more consistent gigs and income forced me to scourge different platforms in search of jobs.
As God would have it, I was hired a couple of times. But I still wasn’t satisfied. My turnaround moment came when one of my clients, Doyinsola, gave me a tip that would help make me what I am today.
Let me give you a backstory. I had reached out to her after seeing her job opening for a content writer. She sent me a test article, which I did well. She then assigned me new topics and paid for those.
After about 7 months of writing for her, she told me to consider going higher. According to her, I have the talent to write convincingly and this is a skill she is yet to see among most of her writers.
She gave me the tips on how to sign up on Upwork, a global freelance platform. Using her tips, I created an account and there, my brethren, began my journey as a freelance writer on a global scale.
I got a couple of jobs and did exceedingly well that I had up to 4.7-star rating out of 5. Then, the worst happened. I lost access to my Upwork account.
Agreed, I called for it. The incident happened because I created accounts for the students I was coaching then. Upwork took it to be that I was trying to create more accounts as a freelancer and had to hand me a permanent suspension.
With over $600+ locked in the account, up to $400+ worth of ongoing gigs and about 5 long-term clients, you could imagine how tough it was to get over it.
One thing about me is that I am consistent and I like to document the processes I took to get to any stage. I shared the story of how I lost my Upwork account on Facebook and continued to update my processes.
Today, that account has moved from the earliest documentation I made when it was a little above $700…
To when it hit over $1,000 in earnings…
Then sometime around October of 2022, I became a Top-Rated Freelancer on Upwork. Ask any freelancer on the platform and they will tell you how HARD it is to get to that stage.
Being a Top-Rated Freelancer comes with a lot of perks, but the most impressive thing about it is that I earned the badge because I have earned over $5,000 working with the account. I also have a good Job Success Score (JSS) of 100% over 100%.
Haven been in the writing niche for 7 years, trained tons of students in the same field (and they are doing well by the way); and gathered the experiences…
I am now ready to share the most important steps that have worked for me in the last 6+ years of my career.
I am sharing the strategies that helped me get started on Upwork even after it seemed like I lost everything.
I am also teaching you the skill of SEO content writing – how to write the likes of blog posts and articles.
This is my field and take my word when I say that I have earned so much than I could have earned from a paid employment. For context, when I took writing professionally in 2017, I was a teacher in a privately-owned secondary school in Enugu State, Nigeria.

Back in the days...
At the time, I was teaching nine (9) classes:
— I was teaching the English Language throughout JSS to JSS3 and SS1 to SS3.
— Then, I was also taking the SS1 to SS3 classes on the Literature-in-English.
You could imagine the burden on me, coupled with the fact that I was heading some other duties in the school, such as being a part of the sports team and being a Form Teacher.
Being paid the sum of ₦10,000 at the time and later upgraded to ₦15,000 wasn’t my major concern. My pain then was that the school’s leadership didn’t recognize the efforts I and other staff made to put things in place for the students to learn better.
With the demoralization and coupled with the fact that I was constantly depressed from working in a toxic workplace; I had no choice than to throw in the towel. In December of 2018, I resigned from my positions at the time:
— Dean of Studies
— Form Master for SS3
— Head, Sports Committee
— Senior English and Literature teacher
Despite getting an offer of ₦20,000 to continue teaching, I declined. I mean, I was earning well over ₦70k monthly at the time from writing and without much toxicity. Why should I sacrifice that for ₦20k?
Ever since I called it quits, I went fully into freelance SEO content writing and it has been a bliss.
This singular move opened doors for me and thanks to how I promote myself continually on social media, I have been able to work with top brands and personalities that I couldn’t have had access to on a “normal day.”
And TODAY...
I have written for:
So, I thought to myself...
With My Experience And Considering What I Faced To Get Here, I Want To Make It Easier For Others Coming After Me.
Which Is Why I Created A Detailed Course Entitled “SEO Income Puller.”
It is so-called because it will pull in a lot of money from writing blog posts for people.
Let me give you a sneak peek of what I covered in the course:
Summary of the Modules
That is not all...
I have added a couple of Downloadable Resources to make your learning process easier.
An example is a collection of 3 eBooks that you can download in the Module on Gig Sourcing on Upwork.
These eBooks show you how to setup your Upwork freelancer account the right way.
It also shows you how to source for the right clients and how to be sure of the type of job you are applying for. This helps you stay safe from scam jobs posted on the platform.

eBook 1
This eBook helps you to setup your Upwork account.

eBook 2
This eBook helps you to bid for writing projects on Upwork.

eBook 3
This is another eBook that shows you a different way to bid for higher-paying jobs on Upwork.

...and many MORE
I will add more eBooks as time goes on...
Plus Support Groups
I have also setup a dedicated group for follow-ups. You need this to “keep you on your toes” and guide you further until you begin to write so well – and start getting paid gigs.
Start Earning like Me...
Secure your place in the writing market and learn how to make money from writing.
Let's go Back in Time...?
This project paid me ₦1 per word. So, it means that I earn the sum of ₦1,000 for a thousand-worded article. The days of little beginning...

And with the success of previous jobs, I was encouraged to keep applying for more. Remember I'm an "Oliver Twist"

As to be expected, I made a lot of mistakes as a beginner because I had no one to guide me. Some clients complained and I always do my best to implement the corrections.

All days are not rosy. There were some jobs I applied for and never even got a reply.

I did not have a smartphone or a laptop then. All I had was a Java phone — the Nokia ASHA 200 (button phone). I explained the situation to my clients then and they graciously allowed me to type and send the articles as a mail instead. Chai! I suffered eh! Look at how my works looked then...

I have hundreds of screenshots of the payouts I have received from writing, but I will share just a few.
This is a $500 payout from a client I worked for outside the Upwork platform. Before I forget, this process is called Cold Pitching and I have created a series of videos on this. It shows you how to reach out directly to the clients who need your services.

These are just a few of the payouts I received on my Payoneer account, being payments for the writing jobs I was paid for on the Upwork platform. I will also show you how to setup a Payoneer account so you can withdraw your payouts in dollars.

Here in Nigeria, I have received anything from ₦10k, ₦50k, ₦200k and up to ₦500k for writing for people.
This ₦500k payment is from a client based in Texas who I am managing his blog. The job came on recommendation.

I am also managing another of his blog for him. He paid me up to ₦350k last year for this project alone.
Imagine it. Just 1 client paid me close to a Million Naira in under one year.
Is that an easy feat?
And when we go to Upwork, I have lots of long-term clients who keep hiring me. In fact, it has gotten to a point that I am considering getting more people to form a team so I could outsource some of these tasks to them.
Here are some of my payouts on Upwork:

Start Earning from Writing
I am still "CASHING OUT" every week from Upwork. Want to join me?

I invite you to experience this shower of Dollars made from writing blog posts

See, you can make a lot of money from writing “ordinary blog posts.” If you think it is not possible, you are probably doing so because you don’t have the right information and you don’t want to learn how it is done.
But if you are keen on learning what it takes to earn as little as ₦30k monthly and from there, ₦100k, ₦500k and up to a Million Naira…
You shouldn’t hesitate to enroll for the SEO Income Puller course now. It currently goes for ₦30k, but I guarantee you that if you don’t get on board Now, you may not get this offer again.
And if by any luck you do, it will be for ₦50k or more.
So, what is it going to be?
I know you want this. So, here it goes.
Start Writing... Start making money!
Click the button below
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